Saturday, 17 September 2011

Tom's (Daniel's) Costume

 The costume ideas for Tom derived from images of artists similar to Daniel Cope. This is a picture of our artist:

His music and his fashion has similarities to Ed Sheeran:

Ed Sheeran's style is generally jeans/ trainers/ zip-up jumper. His fashion is very casual and comfortable, which reflects his music style.

Daniel's music is also similar to Mumford & Sons. This is Country Winston, from Mumford & Sons:

He, too, has a very relaxed and casual way of dressing. The chequered shirt is something that Daniel Cope would wear. 

This is our final choice of costume for Tom:

We chose a chequered top, with a plain white t-shirt underneath, as this matched closely to the style that Daniel Cope wears. It is casual and in-keeping with the genre.
Tom's prop is his guitar. We kept it acoustic to match the sound of the guitar in the song, and chose one with a simple design.

1 comment:

  1. Well done for referencing similar bands, the more inter textual references you make the stronger your mark. It is important that your blog reflects substantial independent research; what is interesting is that the dress code of your performers reflects the dress code worn by a large majority of students in the sixth form, thus giving you a clue to your target audience. I'd suggest you take photographs of shop windows in high street stores.
    It would also be interesting to research where this popular fashion style comes from and what is its particular appeal. Think about a sense of a shared group identity - dress code can give clues to people's musical taste, aspirations and the way they consume popular culture.
    For example the Ipswich singer's costume reflects his culture, social class and aspirations, this is possible why specific groups identify with him, because they see aspects of themselves embodied in this artist. This would be a very interesting case study. Take some mug shots in the 6th form common room this could form a very interesting prt of your audience research.
